SFI Founder Team

Rory Sparrow


Rory serves as the “public face” of the SFI, employing his communications and interpersonal strengths to engage with the community and global leaders.

Primary genius and life coach

David Bennett Workman


David keeps the company on track with its mission and goals to become a global resource in quick deployable target specific renewable energy solutions.

Visionary and loves horses

David Raine


David is responsible for the overall technology and development of SFI products. David has spent years developing solutions and consulting within the renewable market.

Wants to create the first wind farm on Mars

A Message from Our CEO

In my previous career as a professional basketball player and NBA League Executive, I have had the privilege to experience many communities worldwide. In my travels, I have seen some of the best and worst humanity has to offer, but what was ever present was the human effort and potential to enhance the quality of life they experience. That has been my life's mantra, and with the Sparrow Foundation Institute, we will "enhance the quality of life" by providing green energy solutions that empower the community from within. We have the technology, capability, and motivation to move in a direction towards renewable resources that put a stop to the damaging effects of climate change. Our future will be about abundant clean energy production, storage, and its adoption in a method that creates opportunities and long-term benefits. We have the resources today that allow us to transition to a sustainable renewable future that is accessible and empowers all global communities to adopt a plan for change.

Many demand for better, cleaner energy today but without a plan that will allow underdeveloped nations the opportunity to grow into the challenges that clean energy will demand. Therefore, if we are to change our environment, we must shift from solely making money and profits to education and providing resources for developing communities with little to no resources for such dramatic changes. As a global community we should be seeking solutions that help all of us, without economic restraints, drive down carbon emissions that both serve every community and our planet at the same time. Our profit is to be realized when we have, as a global community, secured a sustainable future.

By working together towards our ambitious and shared carbon neutral objectives we can all stand a chance of turning back the damage we have caused. With this in mind, Sparrow Foundation Institute was formed. We are making a sustainable future possible for all communities. The world is seeking change, we are building something that deserves more than a second look.

@2023 Sparrow Foundation Institute. All Right Rserved.